
How can I configure repositories in Tabby server using a config file and why are they not indexed in the web UI?

I am trying to use/test tabby server and have configured repositories using a config.toml file. However, the repositories are not indexed in the web UI. How can I configure repositories using a config file and why are they not displayed in the web UI?


Jonathan Mercier

Asked on Jun 06, 2024

  • To configure repositories in Tabby server using a config file, you can create a config.toml file with the repository details.
name = "alphafold"
git_url = "<>"

name = "deepchem"
git_url = "<>"
  • When using the programmatic approach with a config file, repositories from config.toml will only be used as completion context and won't be displayed in the web UI.

  • To have repositories displayed in the web UI, consider configuring them on the Repository Providers page in the web UI instead of using the config file.

  • If you still want to use the config file and have the repositories displayed in the web UI, you may need to wait for future updates as support for config.toml based repositories in the web UI is planned.

  • As a workaround, you can manually configure repositories from the web UI if you have a large number of repositories to manage.

Jun 06, 2024Edited by