
How can I prevent the instance from shutting down and losing persistence when using Tabby on Modal?

Graham is facing issues with Tabby on Modal where the instance shuts down after 2 minutes of inactivity and loses persistence. Meng Zhang provided a temporary workaround for this issue.



Asked on May 19, 2024

  • To prevent the instance from shutting down and losing persistence when using Tabby on Modal, you can pass in --no-webserver when starting Tabby.
tabby start --no-webserver
  • This will disable the whole admin experience and require no access token at all.

  • Meng Zhang also provided a temporary workaround by sending out a pull request until tutorials around setting up the webserver admin panel are added.

  • Additionally, Meng Zhang has revamped the documentation at Tabby Documentation to provide a better onboarding experience for new users.

May 20, 2024Edited by